.. _development: Development =========== Test configuration ------------------ In ``setup.cfg`` you can find ClickHouse server ports, credentials, logging level and another options than can be tuned during local testing. Running tests locally --------------------- Install desired Python version with system package manager/pyenv/another manager. ClickHouse on host machine ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Install desired versions of ``clickhouse-server`` and ``clickhouse-client`` on your machine. Run tests: .. code-block:: bash python setup.py test ClickHouse in docker ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Create container desired version of ``clickhouse-server``: .. code-block:: bash docker run --rm -p -p --name test-clickhouse-server yandex/clickhouse-server:$VERSION Create container with the same version of ``clickhouse-client``: .. code-block:: bash docker run --rm --entrypoint "/bin/sh" --name test-clickhouse-client --link test-clickhouse-server:clickhouse-server yandex/clickhouse-client:$VERSION -c 'while :; do sleep 1; done' Create ``clickhouse-client`` script on your host machine: .. code-block:: bash echo -e '#!/bin/bash\n\ndocker exec test-clickhouse-client clickhouse-client "$@"' | sudo tee /usr/local/bin/clickhouse-client > /dev/null sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/clickhouse-client After it container ``test-clickhouse-client`` will communicate with ``test-clickhouse-server`` transparently from host machine. Set ``host=clickhouse-server`` in ``setup.cfg``. Add entry in hosts file: .. code-block:: bash echo ' clickhouse-server' | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts > /dev/null And run tests: .. code-block:: bash python setup.py test ``pip`` will automatically install all required modules for testing. GitHub Actions in forked repository ----------------------------------- Workflows in forked repositories can be used for running tests. Workflows don't run in forked repositories by default. You must enable GitHub Actions in the **Actions** tab of the forked repository.